Stirring Up Change In a Community Near You

Teen Battle Chef, is a program of FamilyCook Productions in over 75 schools and community sites across the U.S. Over half are sponsored in high schools by HealthCorps. This blog began in summer 2010 when FamilyCook invited NYC Teen Battle Chefs to participate in internships working with chefs in restaurants, teaching younger children cooking, growing food in food deserts, and cooking in farmers markets across 5 boroughs. In fall 2010, our program continues and thanks to Robin Quivers, her run in the NYC Marathon in November, will provide critical funding so our Teen Battle Chef programs in CT and in HealthCorps schools in NJ can experience these transformational internships as well.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chili Saves Lives

Chili Saves Lives was a fundraiser for HealthCorps. Our TBC's attended a recipe development and created an amazing spicy chili that incoporated chocolate and Hawaiin roasted sea salt. During the event many participants came up and praised their chili telling them what a great combination the ingredients were and how delicious it was. It was so tasty that they placed in the top five along with the finalists and went on to win 3rd place at the event! Not only did we have a TBC team but one of our students was also asked to be the MC at the event. They all did an amazing job and had a lot of fun as well!! Check out the video below and see what they had to say.....

The event was great most of the chili's varied from spicy to sweet. Ours was the best! -Chef Nate

I loved the fact that we were making chili in a Brewery : ) Chef Fernando

Today was so awesome. Being the MC was great and the audience was awesome too. It wasn't who won that really mattered. It was us being in unison together promoting healthy eating and having so much fun at the same time. There were such cool people here and that made my job so much easier. The chili was great the people great. Like my good friend Tony the Tiger would say "This was Grrreat!"   - Chef Joel