During the summer of 2011, three highschools have taken growing ingredients in thier school gardens to support BK Salsa, a company that proudly uses sustainable and conscious methods for their line of salsa flavors. As a TBC supporter, they are teaching students about local foods, conscious methods and ways to incorporate healthy ingredients in tasty dishes. In the fall students will come together to create their own salsa competing for the chance to gain a special edition spot within the BK Salsa line.
"It was interesting learning about different salsa's" - Chef Akaysia
" It was amazing to taste your sauces and prepare some new ones with you" -Chef Lester
" I think its an awesome thing what you guys do by finding new ways to make what we eat healthier and better and I love that you guys take the time to think about it"- Chef Raymi
" I really like that I got to learn how to make salsa. COOL!!" -Chef Dexter
"Awesome!"-Chef Giovanni