Stirring Up Change In a Community Near You

Teen Battle Chef, is a program of FamilyCook Productions in over 75 schools and community sites across the U.S. Over half are sponsored in high schools by HealthCorps. This blog began in summer 2010 when FamilyCook invited NYC Teen Battle Chefs to participate in internships working with chefs in restaurants, teaching younger children cooking, growing food in food deserts, and cooking in farmers markets across 5 boroughs. In fall 2010, our program continues and thanks to Robin Quivers, her run in the NYC Marathon in November, will provide critical funding so our Teen Battle Chef programs in CT and in HealthCorps schools in NJ can experience these transformational internships as well.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Teen Battle Chef's on FOX Good Day New York!

In October Michele and Chima two of our star Teen Battle Chef's showed off their skills and knowledge with two delicious recipes on FOX Good Day New York.

Check it out here!

See what Chima & Michele  had to say about their experience...
"In the beginning I was very nervous because this was my first time cooking on television. I was afraid something would go wrong or I would forget an ingredient or even what I planned to say. I felt this experience really re-enforced my public speaking skills to a whole new level. In the end I was super excited that I made it through the segment without any mistakes and had fun working with Michele and doing what I love; teaching others how to be conscience about creating better /healthier eating habits not just for themselves but also for the ones they love."-Chef Chima

"On Thursday September 30 I was lucky enough to go on the Fox 5 Street Talk show with Chima. I spoke about how obesity affected people and even some of my weaknesses before I had joined Teen Battle Chef. It was VERY nerve wrecking but in the end I felt much better. Most definitely a great experience that I don't regret. Thanks Teen Battle Chef!"- Chef Michele

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Abigail Kirsch Kitchen

My experiences in TBC definitely impacted the way I behaved in the kitchen at pier 60. It's been an all around great experience. I've done so much, for instance I work side by side with chefs cutting huge amounts of a certain fruit/vegetables. It was the nicest place to be and one of the chefs said "if we weren't nice to each other then work would be a lot harder" and it's true they spend majority of their time with each other. Personally, I would like to thank them for taking me into their home and showing me the ropes. -Chef Jonathon

Itrulli Resturant Internship

I'm a Teen Battle Chef intern and my site is in Itrulli. I work up close and personal with a very talented lady named Patti Jackson. I have learned things I never even knew were possible, It has opened so many doors and now I'm so grateful and I'm having a blast! The workshops, field trips, and the kitchen are all fun and I love it because it makes me happy to find a program that has given me so much. It showed me that we all can make a change no matter who we are. We are all the future so lets make it brighter by stirring up change! Be a Teen Battle Chef, join our journey!-Chef Ana

Dekalb Farm Grand Opening

This weekend the TBC's started interning at Dekalb Farm where they taught cooking demos and learned about urban farming! They embraced the sweltering head while making a cool and refershing zucchini ricotta dish.

It was extremely hot!
It was a new experience for me because I was able to do a cooking presentation with a real audience rather than my peers. It was a nervous and rattling experience, having people watch me during the whole session. The idea of having a farm and access to fresh ingredients was really amazing and it also made the food/dish tastier. Also, having people ask me for more information about my involvement was really awesome because it made me feel as though I was able to make a big impact on them. -Chef Chima

Brooklyn Grange Field Trip

This was my first time on a roof top farm. The experience was amazing and the farm was beautiful, calm and refreshing. I got the chance to taste a black cherry tomato and it tasted wonderful; nothing like locally grown food. I would definitely encourage more rooftop farms in the city because the taste and experience is nothing like I've ever seen before!- Chef Ayerine 

Queens Care Adult Home

This summer the TBC's have been been teaching at an adult home, giving fooducation to those who are in need for some intergenerational learning!

"Today was really interesting, I met the residents and each individual contributed something to today's session whether it was a joke or a nutrition fact.  Now I know what to prepare when I come here because I got insight on residents. I look forward to the incoming weeks  so that I can teach and learn more."-Chef Ayerine

"This was a really interesting learning experience. There were some interesting people as well. This helped me with my people skills, and I'm looking forward to next week."-Chef Richard

"It was fun and entertaining. I met new people and I also learned a new recipe."-Chef Lorenzo

"I learned that it is perfectly okay to embrace people who are much different than myself. Having an open mind and being optimistic about different situations helps out a lot and makes things more bearable. Everyone has a story to tell, no matter where they come from. It was very informative working there."-Chef Felicia 


This event was deeelicious the TBC's made some amazing veggie tacos with a lot spice and even more flavor. The crowds loved it and they did a great job on stage during their culinary showcase. Find the recipe at to taste this dish yourself!!

" It was great I enjoyed my time preparing food"-Chef David

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cookout NYC

This past Sunday 17 Teen Battle Chef's attended NYC Cookout and whipped up some amazing dishes from Buffalo tongue to Vietamese sandwiches! They're 2nd summer event on governor's island some of the teens knew what was ahead and others found out for the first time. A beautiful day to be out they worked and played hard at this fun festival filled with food and drink.   They met a lot of new people and had a great time working with the restaurants!! If interested in future Governor's Island events hosted by Jimmy's No. 43 please see

"It was very fun and it was a great experience. At first I was nervous, but then it was actually very easy once I got into the groove."-Chef Daphne

"I had a great time! I enjoyed the new food and the different people. The Buffalo tasted Good!"-Chef Jonathon

"I had an amazing experience working with Jimmy's #43. I learned how to make a great Vietnamese sandwich. I hope to teach others how to make one as well."-Chef Felicia

"It was like a box of chocolates I didn't know what I was going to get, but it was fun." -Chef Yojerssy

"It was really amazing I learned so much from King. He is an amazing chef and this whole experience was wonderful."-Chef Chima

"I was very hungry and the food was good."-Chef Richard

"I met new and interesting people."-Chef Lorenzo

"It was a great experience and I wish I could do it again. I had a great time."-Chef Natasha

"It was very fun."-Chef Debbie

"It was nice meeting new people and eating the various foods. The people were really nice too."-Chef Akosua

"It was nice meeting people and it was fun because I tried foods from all over."-Chef Bobby

"I met different people and had a great time!"-Chef Genesis

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Brewers Picnyc

The governor's island events that begin and end each summer are well known and the talk of the city every year. This year to kick off a summer of fun the TBC's helped Jimmy's No. 43 run 5 different booths and welcomed in the summer. A beautiful day the students had a lot of fun!!

"I enjoyed serving more than 300 people. I have never done this before and I wouldn't mind doing it again. The crowd was very large and I feel without my assistance this day would have been very chaotic. Handing out food, greeting everyone was a little difficult because I'm not a very social person but I enjoyed it and I would love to do it again!"-Chef David

"Today was a lot of fun. I would do this again sometime. I liked hor everyone worked together as a group. I think if we weren't here it wouldn't have gone smoothly. I also think that we helped take some of the stress of the other guys"-Chef Dexter

"Today was a great day. I helped prepare pork which was amazing. After we were done we got a chance to taste every dish at the event. I did this last year at the end of the summer, and it was bigger but this year they had more foods and desserts!!"-Chef Marielis

"This even was really fun, getting to taste the different food and meeting other chef's even with the heat was very enjoyable"-Chef Ayerine

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lets Make Some Salsa!!

During the summer of 2011, three highschools have taken growing ingredients in thier school gardens to support BK Salsa, a company that proudly uses sustainable and conscious methods for their line of salsa flavors. As a TBC supporter, they are teaching students about local foods, conscious methods and ways to incorporate healthy ingredients in tasty dishes. In the fall students will come together to create their own salsa competing for the chance to gain a special edition spot within the BK Salsa line. 

"It was interesting learning about different salsa's" - Chef Akaysia

 " It was amazing to taste your sauces and prepare some new ones with you" -Chef Lester
" I think its an awesome thing what you guys do by finding new ways to make what we eat healthier and better and I love that you guys take the time to think about it"- Chef Raymi

" I really like that I got to learn how to make salsa. COOL!!" -Chef Dexter
"Awesome!"-Chef Giovanni

Monday, April 4, 2011

Greenthumb Grow Together Conference

This past weekend one Teen Battle Chef and one Gardening student from Automotive high school in Brooklyn teamed up and took on the challenge of addressing a roomful of middle school students and high school students to teach introductory gardening and how to harvest your produce from plant to plate!!

"Today I met a group of youngsters like myself that are interested in food and gardening. I thought it was good that everyone learned something from the event, even me. They learned how to plant and harvest and I learned how to work with a group of teenagers like myself" Chef Dexter

" I realize that its cool to do programs to teach kids. I like having to teach people something new. If I could do it again I would and ask a friend to join me" Gardener David

Dexter and David with TBC educator, gardening mentor and English teacher Ms. Kessler

Making a raisin bread snack with goat cheese, sprouts and mint. Dexter shows room how to chiffonade.

Transplanting their own mint to take home and grow.

Students harvesting their own sprouts, radishes, sunflowers or peas, YUM!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


This past weekend teen chefs were invited to Jimmy's No. 43 Basket a Brisket event where they served delicious Brisket and assisted Bobo's Restaurant.

"Today was pretty cool. The food was pretty great. And so was the company!!" -Chef Joel

"Today was awesome had  areally great time. There were some really cool people there especially this great photography dude". Chef Perez

NorthEastern Food Justice Youth Summit

This past weekend young TBC movement makers traveled to Boston and attended the Food Justice Youth Summit. This summit brought together college and highschool students who led youth workshops about a variety of food justice issues. They attended workshops that rallied to retire Ronald McDonald, speak out against farmer wage abuse, and think about where their food comes from. They went on a rally for the farmers, led a workshop about seasonal cooking and even went on stage during an open mike night! See what they had to say below.....

"This past weekend I took a trip to Northeastern University for a food conference. I went  with my schools Program Teen Battle Chef and Health Corps. In this University we talked about healthy eatings and we attended workshops. Well I enjoyed this trip and I got to meet people that were interested in the same things I am into. I met people from all over such as Philly, Maine, Maryland, Boston,...etc. Also we attended a march for farmworkers. The farmworkers were fighting so that all the major companies would pay them at least one cent more for all the tomatoes they carry. So Thank You Health Corps and Teen Battle Chef for this wonderful experience " -Chef Genesis

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lets Move Harlem Childrens Zone

Lets Move was a free event for the public that encouraged healthier eating and physical fitness among our youth. It is part of Michelle Obama's Lets Move campaign to cure the many health related epidemics in the U.S.

See our TBC's  thoughts below and watch them in action here

"Today was amazing. This was my first time attending and event with TBC, since I've been with HealthCorps. I am new to the TBC event headliners group and I originally started with the TBC HealthCorps group at my school, since I heard about their cooking, which I love to do. My and I made tropical slaw and everyone that came here has loved the dish. I feel like I made an impact and showed everyone that came to the event some basick knife and cooking skills."- Chef Steven

"This experience was very awesome and each time I can to any kind of event I feel I improved my public speaking skills. This was a very cook even that I like alot. During these events I experience new things, new people, new place and most importantly new foods and recipes" Chef Lubna

"Today was amazing! I haven't been to a TBC event in a while but everything went great. We made tropical slaw and I demo'd how to cut grutis and veggies. I feel like I made an impact in my community and thats whats important" Chef Molly

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chili Saves Lives

Chili Saves Lives was a fundraiser for HealthCorps. Our TBC's attended a recipe development and created an amazing spicy chili that incoporated chocolate and Hawaiin roasted sea salt. During the event many participants came up and praised their chili telling them what a great combination the ingredients were and how delicious it was. It was so tasty that they placed in the top five along with the finalists and went on to win 3rd place at the event! Not only did we have a TBC team but one of our students was also asked to be the MC at the event. They all did an amazing job and had a lot of fun as well!! Check out the video below and see what they had to say.....

The event was great most of the chili's varied from spicy to sweet. Ours was the best! -Chef Nate

I loved the fact that we were making chili in a Brewery : ) Chef Fernando

Today was so awesome. Being the MC was great and the audience was awesome too. It wasn't who won that really mattered. It was us being in unison together promoting healthy eating and having so much fun at the same time. There were such cool people here and that made my job so much easier. The chili was great the people great. Like my good friend Tony the Tiger would say "This was Grrreat!"   - Chef Joel